Preparing for remote travel with family (or without)?

The Oodnadatta Track, the Tanami Desert, and the Gibb River Road… these are just three of the roads travelled by Aaron and Jacq, also known as Chaos in a Tin Can.

Hearing this prior to crossing the Savannah Way was an immense help for us.

In this episode of The Family Travel Podcast we cover:

  • Specific preparations,
  • Adjusting expectations, and most importantly…
  • What to think about when hearing advice based on others’ experiences
This episode would help anyone prepping for remote travel, but the principles apply to anyone planning travel in general

This episode is proudly bought to you by Trail-A-Mate, setting the standard for caravan and trailer jacks. Their Trail-A-Mate hydraulic caravan and trailer jack converts in to a jack when you need it, you simply swap the wheel for a solid base plate.

Read33 Most Popular Caravan Accessories for Travelling Australia [2021]

Their product is so popular, they kept on getting feedback that people’s Trail-A-Mate kept on getting stolen, or people would come out to their caravan to find that theirs had been swapped out for an older one.

They’ve now introduced a brand new product, the Trail-A-Mate Anti-Theft Lock, so you can keep it under lock and key. It’s pretty similar to a lockable hitch pin for your towbar… it’s as simple as removing your existing wheel clamp handle, inserting the locking pin, and clipping the lock on the end of the locking pin

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