In this article we’ll help you answer the question: what size Fiamma awning do I need for my Jayco camper trailer?
It’s important to choose the right size (whether you have one installed by a dealer or get one cheaper here off eBay and DIY).
So we’ll cover the bag awning sizes for a Swan, Flamingo, Penguin, Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Lark, Swift and Flight…
…so you can see what size Fiamma F45s size is the closest match.
Here we go:
1. Bag awning sizes for different Jayco camper trailers
It’s important to note that while these lengths are referred to in feet, the lengths don’t convert exactly to metric
(the lengths are a little shorter to match up with the distance between the riser arms on the campers)
- Swan, Flamingo, Penguin 12ft: 3.45m
- Eagle and Hawk 11ft: 3.16m
- Dove and Lark 10ft: 2.90m
- Swift and Flight 8ft: 2.24m
2. Fiamma F45s awning sizes
The Fiamma F45s is the most popular roll out awning for a Jayco camper trailer. The sizes relate to the box/case length as follows:
- 3.5m (Fiamma F45s 350)
- 3.0m (Fiamma F45s 300)
- 2.6m (Fiamma F45s 260)
3. So what size Fiamma awning do I need for my Jayco camper trailer?
There’s a direct match between the sizes of some of the bag awnings and Fiammas 45s awnings.
Others are in-between sizes.
Based on this comparison and others’ feedback here are the sizes:
1. Fiamma awning size for a Jayco Swan, Flamingo or Penguin
The bag awning off a Jayco Swan, Flamingo or Penguin is 3.45m… and the 3.5m Fiamma awning is the size that’s most recommended for these models
(even though when you buy one of these campers brand new they’ll factory fit a 3.0m awning)
After doing our research we bought a 3.5m Fiamma F45s for our Jayco Swan here from RV Parts Express
(and we couldn’t be happier)
If we went for a 3.0m awning we think it would be too small:
Others have thought the same.
Here’s an example of a Penguin where the 3.0m size Fiamma means the edges of the awning no longer line up with the sail tracks for the annex walls:
2. Fiamma awning size for a Jayco Eagle or Hawk
The bag awning off a Jayco Eagle or Hawk is 3.16m…so there’s no like-for-like Fiamma F45s replacement:
For a Jayco Eagle or Hawk you need to go either smaller at 3.0m or bigger at 3.5m.
Lots of people have gone either size.
Here’s what an Eagle or Hawk looks like with a 3.5m size Fiamma awning:
- I haven’t seen anyone complain that their 3.5m Fiamma awning is too big and wish they’d gone smaller, BUT
- I’ve seen quite a few people say that they’d gone the 3.0m size Fiamma awning and they wish they’d gone the bigger 3.5m size
So if you have a Jayco Eagle or Hawk, the best place we found when we bought our 3.5m size Fiamma awning was here from RV Parts Express
3. Fiamma awning size for a Jayco Dove or Lark
The bag awning off a Jayco Dove or Lark is 2.9m so the Fiamma F45s 3.0m is a pretty close replacement:
For a Jayco Eagle or Hawk you need to go either smaller at 2.6m or slightly bigger at 3.0m.
Most people have installed a 3.0m Fiamma awning for their Dove or Lark
(especially since the anti flap kit doesn’t fit the 2.6m Fiamma)
If you’re after a 3.0m size Fiamma awning then check out RV Parts Express via their eBay store
(it’s where we bought ours)
This is the 2.6m Fiamma on a Dove Outback:
If you want a smaller 2.6m Fiamma awning then it might be worth first seeing why even the owners of smaller Jayco camper trailers (Swift or Flight) still opt for the 3.0m Fiamma…
4. Fiamma awning size for a Jayco Swift or Flight
The bag awning off a Jayco Swift or Flight is 2.24m… so you’d think going with the smallest size Fiamma 2.6m awning would be the only option.
This is what it looks like:
But… a surprising number of people still go with the larger size Fiamma 3.0m awning for a Jayco Swift or Flight
They are pretty big though:
The main reason for going for this larger size is because the Fiamma 3.0m awning extends out 2.5m. This means you can use any of the following anti flap kits:
- Fiamma Fast Clip System
- Aussie Traveller Anti Flap Kit
- Campsmart Anti Flap Kit De Flapper
The problem with the smaller size Fiamma 2.6m awning is that it only extends out 2.0m… which means none of the above anti flap kits are compatible.
So for a Jayco Swift or Flight it seems to come down to personal choice:
Would you prefer something that looks more compact, or would you prefer to be able to use an anti flap kit?
If you want the small and compact 2.6m Fiamma awning then check out RV Parts Express here via their eBay store…
…or here for the larger 3.0m version so you can use the anti flap kit
Summary: What Size Fiamma Awning for My Jayco Camper Trailer?
The Fiamma F45s awnings you’ll commonly see on Jayco camper trailers are 3.5m, 3.0m and 2.6m.
It seems that the Fiamma 3.5m is the option of choice for the larger models (Swan, Flamingo, Penguin, Eagle and Hawk).
The Fiamma 3.0m is a popular option for the smaller models (Dove, Lark, Swift and Flight). Even though they’re larger, it gives more options for accessories like the anti flap kits.
When we bought ours, the best place we found was here from RV Parts Express via their eBay store.
We installed ours ourselves, and found it pretty straightforward.
Read: Jayco Swan Fiamma Awning Installation [Step-By-Step With Pictures]
This blog is really interesting as well as informative.
Huge thank you for posting this information, including on other pages too. I’m following your advice in the purchase and installation of a Fiamma awning for my 2014 Coromal Navigator 391 – which is about the same size and layout as the Jayco Hawk. And I too went for the 3.5 m. It arrived yesterday but I haven’t installed it yet.
Best regards,