Here I’ll show you how I installed some turn button supports in our Jayco Swan camper trailer

[these are the fasteners that hold the door to the ceiling when the camper roof is wound down]

These supports are cheap.

Easy to install.


They fix a common problem

[which is why I’ve added them to this list: 35 Most Popular Jayco Camper Trailer Modifications]

But first:

Why install turn button supports on the ceiling of a Jayco camper trailer?

The turn button fasteners should only need to hold up the door during set-up and pack-up

(the door supposedly rests on the bed when travelling)

However this still occasionally happens:

People find the screws pulled out of the ceiling after they’ve been driving on bumpy roads

These turn button supports double the number of screws holding the door to the ceiling.

The other reason is that people (like me) accidentally bend them when winding down the roof.

Jayco Swan Camper Trailer - Ceiling Turn Buttons Bent By Incorrectly Closing Roof

That’s a picture of what happened the first time I wound down the roof after putting a mattress topper in our Jayco Swan:

We didn’t know the correct way to fold the door to the ceiling

Hanging Jayco Camper Trailer Door on Roof - Incorrect and Correct Methods

[which is why it’s first in this list of 23 Tips For New Jayco Camper Trailer Owners]

Where to get the turn button supports?

These turn button supports are 3D printed by a member of the Jayco Camper Trailer Owners Australia Facebook group.

When I bought them they were $15 for the supports and screws.

If you’re after a set then search in the group for a chap named Miz.

Jayco Camper Trailer Ceiling Turn Button Supports - Facebook Search

Here’s how I installed them:

1. Remove the existing turn buttons

I did this by hand using a Phillips head screwdriver:

Jayco Swan Camper Trailer - Ceiling Turn Buttons Bent And Dented Roof By Incorrectly Closing Roof

[here you can see the dents from my door mishap]

2. Fit the turn buttons into the supports

The supports are well made and fit perfectly:

Ceiling Turn Button Supports for Jayco Camper Trailers

The existing holes line up too.

3. Screw the first 2 screws into the existing holes

I was lucky that the existing holes were still in good shape.

[otherwise I would have just shifted the supports slightly back and made new holes]

Turn Button Supports - First 2 Screws Using Existing Holes in Ceiling of Our Jayco Swan

4. Drill pilot holes for the remaining 2 screws

I used a 2 mm drill bit to make some pilot holes…

…then screwed in the remaining screws by hand.

Turn Button Supports for Ceiling of Jayco Swan Camper Trailer

Testing to make sure they work okay:

Turn Button Supports - Installed and Holding Up Door to Ceiling of Jayco Swan Camper Trailer

Summary: Installing turn button supports on the ceiling of our Jayco Swan camper trailer

These turn button supports are cheap, easy to install, and double the number of screws that hold the door to the ceiling when you’re travelling

If you’re after some then find Miz in the Jayco Camper Trailer Owners Australia Facebook group.

Otherwise, check out this article: 35 Most Popular Jayco Camper Trailer Modifications